Name: Tommie Kirkland (Captkirk)
Domain: My Ad Board Traffic

What is the script from that you are using?
I’m using the Ad Board Script

What is it you like most about this script and a site of this type?
I like that it’s a membership script which is one of the best business models online. Members will return often to advertise, use the tools, get referrals and earn commissions by promoting your site.

What gave you the idea for your domain name and site title?
For me, it was easy, I purchased one of Phil’s ready to go site which already had a domain name.

How did you launch your site and let others know about it?
I used FREE advertising such as ad boards, Advertising Forums, Viral Mailers, and etc…

What is some advice you would give others running their own site?
Get a script/Site that you can get behind 100% and some.

How much time daily minimum would you spend to maintain your site?
That’s hard for me to answer because I love what I’m doing. I’m always promoting my site.

How do you get traffic and members to your site?
I get traffic to my site by offering free advertising to others.

Is a membership site a long term business to rely on?
Yes, I’m growing my membership daily. I started with zero members and I currently have over 1200+ members and growing daily.

Do you plan on having more membership sites in a network?
Currently, I’m growing the membership to my ad board.

Is it easier than you thought maintaining a site and being an admin?
For me it was very easy. I bought a ready to go site from Phil and was up and running from day one.