Check out this list of Custom Mods you can get added to your sites:

Find/Fix existing problem
Depending on what your issue is most problems have been found and fixed for under $20

Add Payment Processor
Safepay, Moneybookers, SolidTrust Pay includes ipn script setup.
$100 each

Stripe, Beanstream, Payeeze, or Credit Card Mod
Allow your members to pay with a credit card using a traditional merchant account.

BitCoin Payment Mod
Allow your members to use bitcoins via to purchase items.

Additional Membership Levels
Add additional membership levels to your script, fully integrated with your script and ipn.

Monthly Ads
Automatically add advertising to your members account every month. Setup with all the advertising types you have per member level.

Check Active Member Mod
Lets you know who has logged in within the last 30 days and whether or not they have clicked on any solo ads.

Member/Admin Add Promo Code
Allow members of your site that are admins of other sites to add their banner with promo code to be displayed on your site.

Add Additional OTO/Offers
Add a second oto or offer to your site.

Add Limited Offers
Add limited offers to your site, sell x amount of offers, when they are gone they are no longer available. Then you reset for the next limited offer.

Allow your members to submit a testimonial for your site. Displayed on the main page and members area. Admin approves all testimonials.

SuperSolo Network
Run your own supersolo network. Get other admins to partner with you and create a network of sites accepting each others solo ads. Enable/disable partner sites on the fly. All ads are approved by you, no partner sites get approval methods. See ad click stats per site. Keeps a history of all paid/free ads given out per site per member. Logs all ad transactions whether free or paid from all sites.
$225 plus $30 for each site install, includes adding to oto/offers

SuperLink Network
These are super traffic links setup much like a supersolo network. Sell guaranteed clicks to your entire network.
$225 plus $30 for each site install, includes adding to oto/offers

Splashpage Maker
Allow your members to create their own custom splashpages for anything they like. Click Here For Example

Members Personal Downline Builder
Allow members of your site to create their own personal downline builder.

Captcha Login System
Forces members to enter a code before they can login to their account.

Simple Logout Mod
Allows you to setup 5 different urls, one will be chosen randomly to open in a new frame when a member logouts out of your site.

Surf To Access
Require members to surf x number of sites in order to access advertising submit page.

Get Points For Promoting Affiliate Link
Give your members points for each unique visitor they send to your site.

Social Bookmarks
Displays in the members area links to all the major social sites with the affiliate url to your site embedded.

Ad Frame Breaker Check
Run your ad submissions thru a automatic framebreaker, if they don’t pass, they don’t get added. Save you time not having to frame check them in the admin area before approval.
$20 per ad type

Auto Approve Ads
Run your ad submissions thru a automatic framebreaker and then mark them approved if they pass. The ad completely bypasses the admin approval area.
$20 per ad type

Automatic Database Backup
Setup automatic database backups of your site, have them emailed to you or store them on your hosting account.

Transfer Ads
Allow your members to transfer ads to their referrals.
$20 each ad type

Member Page Mod
Create unlimited custom pages for inside your members area, set them up to allow only certain member levels access or access for all members. Is setup to work with your existing site design.

Image Size Verification
Check banners, buttons and login ads(if newer version of login ads) to verify they are the correct size. Eliminates the wrong size banners being submitted.

Image URL & Website URL Malware Check
Check all image url and website urls during ad submission against the google safebrowsing database. If it gets flagged it will not allow submission to take place.